If we want a brighter future for mental health and substance use, it will take all of us doing our part.

Below are some of our resources to help organizations of all types ensure mental healthcare and substance use treatment are part of their plan forward.


Empowering front-line primary care physicians who see the most cases of mental illness and prescribe the most psychotropic drugs—including pediatrics, geriatric, ObGyns, and family doctors. Also, training both psychiatrists and behavioral health coordinators (bachelor’s or associate’s degree) who, together with primary care providers, make up the care team.

Health Systems

Equipping entire health systems in the United States to detect and treat mental illness in its early stages and to better serve all patients—especially adolescents and transition-age youth.


Giving purchasers of all kinds—employers, unions, and states—the tools they need to make adjustments to how they negotiate with insurance carriers. Download Our Full Checklist.


Empowering insurers to scale the Collaborative Care Model through investment in training and startup costs.