From our partner organization, the American Psychiatric Association.

The Collaborative Care Model is an evidence-based model of integrated mental healthcare in primary care settings that shows clear and significant effectiveness for the treatment of common mental health disorders (depression, anxiety, and PTSD). Implementation of the CoCM is now occurring across the country to answer the need for increased access to mental health treatment for specific populations.

The learning modules provided by the APA include resources and guidance on how the CoCM can be used to treat specific populations. Practices have successfully adapted and implemented the CoCM to deliver mental health care to the following special patient populations:

Geriatric: Treating dementia patients using the CoCM.
Pediatric: Implementing CoCM in pediatric practices.
Perinatal: Delivering mental health care using the CoCM during pregnancy and postpartum.
Substance Use Disorders: Managing substance use disorders with the CoCM.

By exploring these modules, healthcare providers can gain valuable insights and practical tools for extending the benefits of the Collaborative Care Model to diverse patient populations, ensuring more comprehensive and inclusive mental health care.

Access APA’s learning modules and additional resources here.