Our Progress Step-by-Step
Over the past two years, we have passed a $60M national bill (with a 10 percent set aside for Collaborative Care); influenced state regulators in Texas, Maryland, and Washington to adopt our network adequacy and parity standards; educated hundreds of employer and insurance representatives and thousands of primary care doctors, psychiatrists, and other medical staff; and launched local pilots and a state-wide Collaborative & Measurement-based Care scaling effort in Texas.
See the readings below for more details about our step-by-step progress as an organization and nation.

Dec 3, 2024
FundingMeadows Institute partners with West Health and Northwestern Medicine to expand Collaborative Care
With 1 in 5 Americans struggling with mental health needs, there has never been a more critical time to embrace innovative solutions. Backed by a $1.9 million investment from West Health, the Meadows Institute is working to expand mental health care for more than 350,000 individuals in the Northwestern Medicine system.

Oct 18, 2024
FundingPath Forward member, National Council for Mental Wellbeing, awarded 5-year grant from SAMHSA
Path Forward member, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, has been awarded a five-year grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This funding, set at $2.7 million per year, for a total of approximately $13.5 million over the five-year span (with annual renewals), enables the continued administration of the National Center […]

Oct 8, 2024
LetterNew Guidance From CMS prioritizes Integrated Care, CoCM and Measurement-Based Care as Best Practices
The collective work of our partners has been instrumental in advocating for Integrated Care, the Collaborative Care Model and Measurement-Based Care as a way to resolve the mental health crisis in the US. Federal support of these evidence-based approaches will have a profound impact, particularly in Medicaid programs, and will help accelerate the adoption of these models nationwide.

Oct 2, 2024
ResourceMental Health Initiative Guidebook: Employer Mental Health Strategies—An Essential Investment
To help employers, the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions has developed the Mental Health Initiative Guidebook: Employer Mental Health Strategies—An Essential Investment. This step-by-step guidebook provides actionable steps for implementing comprehensive mental health strategies.

Sep 10, 2024
PolicyPath Forward Responds to the Final Parity Rule
The Path Forward, a coalition of health care purchasers, clinician associations, health systems, philanthropists, and health-related nonprofits, appreciates the Administration for its focus on ensuring improved access to quality mental health and substance use disorder care. While this rule may prove challenging for employers and health plans in the near term, it is the responsibility […]

Sep 7, 2024
Press ReleaseNAMI Joins Path Forward
We are honored to announce that NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization, has joined Path Forward in our mission to ensure equitable access to quality mental health and substance use care. NAMI’s leadership in advocating for individuals with mental health conditions and their families has had a profound impact on communities across the nation.

Aug 8, 2024
EventCreating a Harmonious Workplace: Navigating the Political Divide
Election Anxiety is spilling over into the workplace, affecting mental health and creating challenges for employers and HR leaders alike. The HR Policy Association tackled this pressing issue head-on with a webinar that provided valuable insights into fostering a respectful and productive work environment amidst a divided nation.

Jul 17, 2024
Press ReleaseNational Council for Mental Wellbeing Joins Path Forward
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing has joined Path Forward, a coalition that brings together stakeholders from across the health care ecosystem, to advance targeted policies and practices that will expand equitable access to quality mental health care.

Jul 17, 2024
ResourceIntegrating Behavioral Health Care into Primary Care Settings: The Collaborative Care Model
The Collaborative Care Model: How it works, how it can be integrated into primary and specialty care settings, and its many benefits.

Jul 3, 2024
EventEmpowering Healthcare Providers: Insights from the Collaborative Care Model Residency Training Education Conference
Over 100 faculty members and residents from residency programs across the United States convened in Washington, D.C., for the 3rd Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) Residency Training Education Conference.

Measurement-Based Care in the Treatment of Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
Mental health treatment is most effective when symptoms are identified and addressed early, similar to all health conditions. By implementing Measurement-based Care into mental health and substance use treatment—which involves the use of validated metrics to regularly monitor symptoms and outcomes— clinicians can tailor treatment to individual needs, adjusting care at key decision points throughout the treatment plan.

Jun 10, 2024
ReportThe Path to National Leadership: The First Business-Led Statewide Mental Health Initiative
The first business-led statewide mental health initiative is here! Launched at the 2024 Leadership Conference on Safety and Sustainability, headlined by Michael Phelps, the initiative focuses on making Florida a top-five state for overall well-being and, ultimately, the healthiest state in America.