
Our Progress Step-by-Step

Over the past two years, we have passed a $60M national bill (with a 10 percent set aside for Collaborative Care); influenced state regulators in Texas, Maryland, and Washington to adopt our network adequacy and parity standards; educated hundreds of employer and insurance representatives and thousands of primary care doctors, psychiatrists, and other medical staff; and launched local pilots and a state-wide Collaborative & Measurement-based Care scaling effort in Texas.

See the readings below for more details about our step-by-step progress as an organization and nation.

Oct 10, 2023

Improving Network Adequacy for Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorders

The Path Forward Coalition has released a new report: “Equitable Access to Care for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders: Standards, Measures, and Enforcement of Network Adequacy.”

Sep 29, 2023

Mental Health Association of Maryland Host Second Webinar on Collaborative Care Model

The webinar series serves as a platform for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders to share their experiences and learn from each other’s successes and challenges in adopting the Collaborative Care Model.

Woman talking quality

Sep 17, 2023

Employer Action Plan

Take charge of mental health care for millions of Americans with the purchasing power in your hands. What it takes is a just a few small changes to how purchasers negotiate with insurance companies and third-party administrators. And we are here to help.

Sep 13, 2023

National Alliance’s Workplace Mental Health Strategy

The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions recently released an updated framework for workplace mental health strategy.

Aug 1, 2023

Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute Publishes White Paper on Pediatric and Adolescent Collaborative Care

The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute (MMHPI) published a white paper summarizing the findings and recommendations of its roundtable on pediatric and adolescent collaborative care, hosted in January 2023 in partnership with the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School.

cover press release

Jul 18, 2023

Press Release
New Patient Survey Shows Significant Disparities in Access Between Mental Health and Substance Use Versus Physical Health Care

Members of the Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance Use issue urgent recommendations in response to new report on continued behavioral health access challenges.

Jun 16, 2023

Using the Collaborative Care Model for Special Populations

The learning modules provided by the APA include resources and guidance on how the CoCM can be used to treat specific populations. Practices have successfully adapted and implemented the CoCM to deliver mental health care to the following special patient populations: Geriatric, Pediatric, Perinatal, and Substance Use Disorders.

Jun 7, 2023

Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute and Commonwealth Fund Congressional Briefing

Leaders from the Meadows Institute and the Commonwealth Fund appeared at the U. S. Capitol Visitor Center for a congressional briefing on the Collaborative Care Model (CoCM).

May 17, 2023

Case Study
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s Collaborative Care Model Improves Patient Health and Lowers Costs

Studies show that chronic conditions can be better managed when behavioral health problems are addressed. Patients get better faster. And care costs less.

May 10, 2023

Solving the Youth Mental Health Crisis: A Philanthropic Dialogue

Briefing provided to a diverse group of more than 50 philanthropists and their representatives, including individual philanthropists and foundation representatives from national, place-based and community foundations.

group talking

Apr 23, 2023

Voice of the Purchaser Survey on Behavioral Health Report

Only 31% of employers were satisfied with network access for behavioral health services according to a survey of 221 employers that provide health coverage to over 10 million employees and dependents.

Apr 17, 2023

Improving Behavioral Health Care for Youth Through Collaborative Care Expansion

The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) stands out as the most evidence-based method for integrating behavioral health into primary care. Despite its proven effectiveness, especially for children and adolescents, adoption has been slow, particularly in pediatric practices.